GAMEHEADS- Wether your game is pronghorn, mule deer, whitetail, caribou, elk, moose, bison, sheep or any of the North American 28, MMTS has experience in mounting your trophy gamehead. We have mounted numerous specimens of ALL North American species. There is no substitute for experience. Don't trust that once in a lifetime trophy to just anyone. When you hang that gamehead on the wall remember that there is more to value than just price. Is a "deal" worth looking at a prized big game animal that you are not happy with every day for the rest of your life. The sweetness of a low price wares off quickly but the bitterness of poor quality remains forever. Our gameheads are mounted using the best materials money can buy. We pay attention to expression, hair patterns, eyelids, earbutts, and all of the other details that make a mount look alive. Our customers are given the choice of pose, turn, ear position, open or closed mouth, and white banded or unbanded eyes. With literally thousands of North American gameheads under our belt we can garantee top quality & overall customer satisfaction. All heads come standard with a nasal septum, competition eyes, and detailed nosepad.
LIFESIZE & HALF LIFESIZE- MMTS can handle all North American game in lifesize poses. Most are also available as half mounts. Across the street from our commercial taxidermy studio is a custom woodworking shop that can make hard & soft wood bases to customer specifications to match any decor. We also specialize in natural habitat base constuction to properly accent your mount. Again, We have hundreds of lifesize big game animals in trophy rooms all over the US that were done in our studio. Most large lifesize pieces are custom priced upon request.
RUGS- Rugging is available on many of the Predatory NA big game species such as Mt. Lion, Bears, Wolfs, etc... but is also available on some of the antlered & horned species as well. Our rugs are the absolute best quality you can get anywhere. All rugs include 2 layers of felt in 2 colors, padding, backing, open mouth (on predators) and are completly macine sewn, not just a piece of felt hot glued to a hide. Our rugs are made to last beyond a lifetime.
To view photos of our North American big game mounts click on the N.A. photo page in navagation bar at left of page or click on link below.
Misty Mountain Taxidermy Studios
700 Cliff Drive
Jefferson Township, PA 18436
Phone: (570) 499-1598
Email: thebread1@hotmail.com