It has always been my belief that in order to be a proficient taxidermist one not only needs natural artistic talent but must also have experience in mounting the species one works on. To achieve excellence as a taxidermist one must know not only the expressions & physical characteristics of the animals but must also have a complete knowlege of their habits, habitats, and a first hand account of where & how they live. Nearly every taxidermist has a pricelist for African animals but do they have the knowlege & experience of these species to properly depict them as they were in nature? Just because a guy does a good job on a deer head, fish, elk, or bear does not mean that he will be good at the hard to mount African species. Don't let anyone tell you that it is the same as mounting North American game because it is not. Forms have to be fit differently, anatomy, muscle & bone structures are not the same, and certainly the habitats for lifesize pieces are very different from the North American stuff.Then there is the issues of USDA clearance into the US and all of the brokering etc... So before you commit to a taxidermist to hire them to mount the collection that you traveled half way around the world for here are a few questions to ask.
Ask what species of African they have actually mounted.
Ask how many times they have been to Africa to observe & collect these animals themselves.
Ask how much experience they have in the handling and mounting of African Game.
Ask how many species of African game they have harvested for their own collection.
I think the answers to these questions should help you make your decision. I believe it is vitally important to know this information.
WHY MMTS FOR YOUR AFRICAN COLLECTION? Well for starters lets talk EXPERIENCE. I have mounted all species of African game including all members of the BIG 5, all of the spiral horned antelopes, all of the small & large antelopes, and even the more uncommon species like roan, sable, sitatunga, gerenuk, nile lechwe, & forest buffalo. I have mounted hundreds of pieces of African game in my career of all shapes & sizes. Secondly we are very COMPETITIVLY PRICED and most collections are completed with 6 to 12 months of our recieving them. Next lets talk KNOWLEGE. I have been to Africa on safari three times spending in excess of 3 months there in total observing, photographing, and collecting plants, habitat, & animals. I have personally harvested over 30 species of African game for my own collection.(see the HUNTING PHOTOS link) I owned & operated a hunt consulting business and have booked in the African market extensively so we know the brokering game inside & out. I believe we are the most qualified studio in the Northeast to handle your African collection.
| African trophies are unique & wonderful. We would be honored to make your African hunting trophies something you will be proud of & last a lifetime. we are official SCORERS FOR SCI.